Welcome to The New Voices Gallery. There is so much beauty added to the world by the Creators, Assemble! artist community. They may not be new to art, but they are new to our spotlight, and we welcome you to take in the inspiration.

Contribute and support them by following their social medias and telling your friends.

Elke Ingrid

Twitter: @elkelein_art

Instagram: @elkelein.art

Rachel Reed


Instagram: @art_fiend

Kimberly Whitaker

Twitter: @necronuki

Instagram: @necronuki

Jordan Martinez

Twitter: @wolffeseye

Instagram: @wolffeseye

Elias Campos

Twitter: @prongs131

Instagram: @prongs131

Aricson Tarasova


Instagram: @aricsontarasova

All art displayed on the Creators Assemble page is property of that artist. Please contact artist directly for solicitations and permissions.


May The 4th